Repton School - launch event

PSQ’s three day visit to Repton school has been an incredible success, featuring inspiring masterclasses, educational presentations and performances to over 700 students!


Day 1

Individual Masterclasses

Students from both Repton School and Repton Prep enjoyed one-to-one mentoring from the Alkyona Quartet in three masterclass sessions for violin, viola and cello. The sessions enabled students to perform pieces they were currently working on to both members of the quartet and other students, receiving advice on performance technique and exploring performance practice and stylistic interpretation.

Orchestral Rehearsal

The Alkyona supported Repton’s symphony orchestra in an evening rehearsal, sitting in the string sections to give the playing a boost and also providing guidance to all of the performers on how to play effectively as an ensemble, making the most of rehearsal time and improving the sound of the orchestra through active listening to the other instrument sections.

Day 2

General Presentation - Repton Prep

In this interactive session as part of Repton Prep’s Year 3 whole-class string teaching, the Alkyona Quartet and violist Graham Oppenheimer demonstrated and explained to the students what we do as professional musicians, performed sections of contrasting pieces, and presented a rhythm quiz based on TV theme tunes. This session encouraged the students to get involved by asking and answering questions, providing their observations and persectives on the music presented, and getting involved in games and the musical performances.

Formal Evening Concert

Violist Graham Oppenheimer and the Alkyona Quartet performed an exciting programme of Haydn, Kapustin and Mozart to students, staff and parents.

This performance is available to view on this page or by clicking here.

Day 3

General Presentation

The Alkyona Quartet and violist Graham Oppenheimer welcomed the entire school to Repton Chapel with excerpts from Mozart’s String Quintet No. 4 in G Minor, K.516. The event also featured a mini-performance of a range of styles to demonstrate the broad range and chamber music repertoire.

General Presentation - Repton Primary School

In this session, PSQ Director and violist Graham Oppenheimer and the Alkyona Quartet explored the instruments and sound of the string quartet with 50 Year 5 and 6 students in a highly interactive session, featuring a lot of response and input from the students. 


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Melbourne project


Teaching Chamber Music to Young String Players